info@vmkalmaty.kz +7 (727) 387-10-11
Municipal state enterprise on the right of economic management “High Medical College” Public Health Department of Almaty / Short news from our Public life. For more information, visit our Instagram page.


“Stop HIV together in Almaty!”

On December 9, 2021, the Center for Prevention and...

Vaccination of Students

Almaty became the first city in Kazakhstan where teenagers...

“The Outstanding Leader” Festive event

November 30, 2021, “The Outstanding Leader” Festive event was...

Curatorial hour “The First President’s Day!”

November 22, 2021, a curatorial hour was held among...

“Togyz kumalak” sport tournament

November 25 , 2021, “Togyz Kumalak” sport tournament was...

Prevention ways and measures to fight with HIV

This clip was made by our students. We are...

International White Cane Day

On November 9, 2021, in our College was held...

“Self-Management Day”

Due to International Students’ Day, in our College was...

Corruption is a disease of society

“Corruption is a disease of society” essays contest was...
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