info@vmkalmaty.kz +7 (727) 387-10-11


“Book is the most patient teacher ...”

Library is one of the oldest and most important foundations of civilization, a repository of valuable knowledge and spiritual wisdom, national memory, cultural and scientific heritage of many generations. We are always happy to see our students and lecturers in College Library. We hope that every book on the shelf will find its reader.

The library consists of four parts:

  • Delivery room
  • Reading room
  • Computer room
  • Book depository

The total area of ​​the library is 138,9 m2
– Service department, which includes delivery desk;
– Electronic hall with 24 seats and a reading room;
– Book depository of educational and special literature.

There were registered 2 439 readers in 2022 - 2023 academic year.
The total library stock is 37 897 copies, including 26 792 copies in national language.
Educational-methodical complex: 555 electronic versions copies.

485 books have been digitally converted and uploaded to the "Paragraph BILIM", 25 books with a QR code.

In its activities, the Library is guided by the Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on librarianship, also guided by provisions on library of primary and secondary vocational education.

The library operates on the annual work plan basis.

In order to ensure accounting, storage and preservation of the library stock, the library maintains documentation in accordance with file register.

Library staff:

​Aliya Tayshibekova – Acting library manager

Education: Higher education, Almaty State University named after Abay (1994)
Specialty: “Geography – Ecology”
Librarian of the highest level of qualification, 2 category
She was attested in 2017.
2018 – Advanced training under the program “Librarianship and Bibliography” at the Republican Scientific Pedagogical Library.

Anar Makhanova – Librarian

Education: Higher education, Almaty Technological University (2007)
Specialty: “Chemistry and Biology”
2019 – Advanced training under the program “Librarianship and Bibliography” at the Republican Scientific Pedagogical Library.