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Naimanbayeva Gulnaz was awarded a Grateful letter from Deputy Akim of Almaty Medeu district!

In modern society, a teacher is a link between generations, an innovator, a researcher. The teacher forms the spiritual world of young people in accordance with the principles and values of modern society.

On October 04, 2023, on the eve of Teacher’s Day, Aidos Nurlybaev – Deputy akim of Almaty Medeu district awarded a Grateful letter to Chairman of the Cycle Methodical Commission for «General professional Disciplines» № 2 of Our College – Gulnaz Naimanbayeva «Ұлт мәртебесін, ел абыройын асқақтататын білімді, саналы ұрпақ тәрбиелеу жолындағы қажырлы еңбегіңіз бен қадірлі қызметіңіз үшін».

Gulnaz Naimanbayeva is a Master of biological Sciences, a lecturer of biology and medical biology with a total teaching experience of 13 years, 12 of which she teaches and shares her knowledge with students of our College.

College administration congratulate Gulnaz Naimanbayeva on well-deserved recognition of your hard work! We wish you further success in your professional activities!