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“Akhmet is the teacher of the nation!” literary evening

October 14, 2022,  “Akhmet is the teacher of the nation!” a literary evening was held in our College.  

Akhmet Baitursynuly (05 September 1873 — 08 December 1937) was a Kazakh intellectual who worked in the fields of politics, poetry, linguistics and education. Baitursynuly reformed the Kazakh alphabet. In 1912, he excluded all the purely Arabic letters not used in the Kazakh language and added letters specific to the Kazakh language. The new alphabet, named Tote jazu (meaning straight writing), is still used by Kazakhs living in China, Afghanistan, and in Iran. Member of the Alash party.

The life of the teacher of the nation, whose name is inscribed in history in golden letters, will forever remain in the memory of the country!