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The law of friendship is more important than all other laws!

On December 26, 2024, The law of friendship is more important than all other laws! motivational meeting with members of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan was held for the 1st year students of our College

The purpose of the meeting: spiritual and cultural education of young people, education of tolerance and respect for representatives of different nationalities.

The guests of the meeting:

  • Abaidulla Japarov Chairman of Republican Ethnocultural Center of Uighurs.
  • Svetlana Ananyeva – Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Expert Group of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. In their speech, our guests spoke about history, structure and role of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan in ensuring social harmony and national unity in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan unites people of more than 120 nationalities. Our common goal is national tolerance, respect for the culture and languages of the peoples inhabiting our common home. A united people by common aspirations, leads the country only forward, towards prosperity.

The College students prepared a small concert program especially for the invited guests, which included folklore performances accompanied by folk instruments, national dances, patriotic poems and songs.