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TEDx meeting organized by “Sanaly Urpaq” student club

December 23, 2024 a TEDx meeting organized by Sanaly Urpaq student club was held on our College.

Purpose: to increase studentsinterest in scientific activity; using the example of an invited guest, to encourage studentsdesire for knowledge.

The guest of TEDx: Zheksenbek Nurlanour college graduate, a lecturer of the cyclical methodological commission No. 3, a holder of President of Kazakhstan’s scholarship, as well as a scholarship holder of N. Nazarbayev Foundation. Zheksenbek Nurlan is also the winner in international scientific projects, the author of 30 scientific papers, including 3 textbooks and 6 scientific patents.

With his examples, the invited guest made it clear for today‘s students that an inquisitive mind, discipline and curiosity are the key to achieving the intended goal. Tireless work and thirst for knowledge can become the basis for achieving great heights in the future. After the questionand-answer session, the students thanked Zheksenbek Nurlan for his inspiring and informative presentation.