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“AIDS is a death trap” lecture

On 11/29/2024, on the occasion of the World AIDS Day, “AIDS is a death trap” lecture was held for 1-2 year students of our College.

Purpose: to raise studentsawareness of the HIV/AIDS problem, methods of transmission of HIV infection and preventive measures.

Invited lecturers:

  • Sholpan Seitbedelkyzy doctor of the Center for prevention and control of AIDS in Almaty;
  • Ilyasova G.B. trainer, psychologistconsultant of the State Foundation of the Center for Development of Youth Policy in Almaty, Otbasy” center.

The invited lecturers spoke in detail about modern methods of combating the disease and importance of early diagnosis. Students were able to ask questions and get professional answers.

Leading a healthy lifestyle, playing sports, and getting an education are the main priorities of modern youth. Knowledge about HIV/AIDS prevention will help young people realize their plans for a successful life.