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“The truth that burns hearts” educational hour

On May 30, 2024, The truth that burns heartsan open educational hour, dedicated to the Remembrance Day of Political Repression and Famine Victims, was held in our College.

The event was organized by 1st year students under the supervision of lecturers of CMC No. 1: Tazhiev E., Boranbayeva K. and Jamaldinova Z.  

Purpose: to give students a correct and deep understanding of the history of the victims of political repression and famine, to awaken their patriotic consciousness.

Among those who were subjected to repression were well-known public figures, writers and journalists leaders of Alash(kazakh sociopolitical, national liberation movement), among whom was: A. Bukeikhanov, A. Baitursynov, I. Dzhansugurov, M. Dulatov, etc.

For the event students prepared a presentation aboutAlash” movement’s leaders, a theatrical scene, poems and musical preformanses. College librarian Taishibekova A. presented book exhibition called Tribute to History.