info@vmkalmaty.kz +7 (727) 387-10-11

Citywide seismic training

On May 21, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. a citywide seismic training was conducted  in our College.

The main purpose of the seismic training is to determine safe places in advance, prepare signal suitcases and increase the level of preparedness for emergency situations.

10 simple rules of behavior in case of an earthquake:

  1. Stay calm, don’t panic.
  2. Do not use the elevator or stairs at the time of tremors.
  3. Step away from furniture, windows, chandeliers.
  4. Find a reliable strong shelter: if you are on the upper floors, take a place in the corner of the capital, load-bearing walls.
  5. Leave the room (in multi-storey buildings – after the tremors stop).
  6. Turn off the water, gas, and electricity.
  7. Take a pre-prepared alarm suitcase.
  8. Stay away from electrical lines, buildings, and trees.
  9. Be prepared for aftershocks.
  10. Help children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.