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The threat of digital devices for personal development

On November 30, 2023, “The threat of digital devices for personal development” seminar was held for College students.

Invited lecturer: Vladimir Belyaev from “NarcoSTOP” project (Information Resources Center of Almaty Department of Education)

In the modern world, social networks play an important role in the lives of teenagers. They provide an opportunity to communicate with friends and acquaintances, share their thoughts and emotions. However, like any other technology, social networks have disadvantages.

Disadvantages of social networks for teenagers:

  • They distract from studying and reduce academic performance;
  • The risk of addiction;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Limitations of real contacts;
  • Negative impact on self-esteem;
  • Privacy loss.

Children and adolescents should learn to use the possibilities of digital technologies in a safe and responsible manner. Ultimately, the proper use of social media can provide an opportunity to develop, find new ideas, but only if time is balanced between the online and offline world.