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“Formation of the anti-corruption culture” round table

On January 29, 2025, students of our Medical College took part in a round table on the topic Formation of an anti-corruption culture, organized by AlFarabi Kazakh National University.

Purpose: to create a platform for an open dialogue and exchange of views between representatives of educational institutions; to discuss the most important aspects of the formation of an anti-corruption culture.

The round table was attended by students of: Turan University, Kazakh National Women‘s Pedagogical University, AlFarabi Kazakh National University and Municipal state enterprise on the right of economic management “High Medical College” Public Health Department of Almaty.

During the event, students made presentations, took part in debate, and together with invited experts, including: Serikbai Nurgisaev – Adviser to the Rector of AlFarabi Kazakh National University and Ilyas Begemov Chief Specialist of the Compliance Control Service of AlFarabi Kazakh National University students work on the development of practical recommendations for the formation of an anti-corruption culture.

In conclusion, on behalf of the organizers, all the active participants of the round table were awarded by grateful letters, among our College students Abduvali Ali, Sagynysh Asylnaz, Serik Bota and Serik Darina.