On 05.12.2024, a documentary film by kazakh film director R. Balgabayev “Закладка – guide-mark“ was shown for 1-4 year students of our College.
Purpose: to increase the legal literacy, specifically to clarify the legal aspects of drug trafficking; to prevent illegal drug trafficking activities.
The film presents real stories of prisoners who distributed drugs, namely, they left drugs in specially designated places, so they made so-called “guide-marks“.
Almost all heroes of the documentary, told their stories of finding ways to get quick and easy money, claimed that they had no idea about the high level of punishment for offense they have committed. However, ignorance of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan does not exempt from liability. Anyone who breaks the law will be responsible to the fullest extent of its severity. Drug trafficking in Kazakhstan is punishable by 10 – 20 years in prison.