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The 100th anniversary of Rosa Baglanova

On November 09, 2022, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the People’s Artist of the USSR and People’s Artist of Kazakhstan – Rosa Baglanova “Аты аңызға айналған ару” a literary and musical evening was held in our College.

The guests of our holiday were: Maral Baglanova – daughter-in-law of Rosa Baglanova; Asyly Osman – kazakh philologist, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan; Gulshara Esetova – Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, laureate of the M. Makatayev Prize; Raya Eskendir – “Almaty Akshamy” newspaper journalist.

Rosa Baglanova is a national symbol of an entire epoch, she gave 70 years of her life to the stage. The life and work of Rosa Baglanova is an example of selfless service to the people, devotion to the stage and boundless respect for the audience. The singer began her career in the State Women’s Song and Dance Ensemble of the Uzbek Philharmonic of the Uzbek SSR, then received a referral to the Moscow Conservatory, but with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, she went to the front with the ensemble. As part of the brigade, she performed in front of the Red Army soldiers on the front line: she sang in dugouts, at train stations, tanks and airplane wings.

After the war, Rosa Baglanova returned to the big stage. She became the first Kazakh singer to receive wide and nationwide recognition in the USSR.